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Brew City Bird Festival Milwaukee

FREE. access to Keynote Speaker, Big Green Birding Bike Ride, Game & Trivia Nights AND. half off. field trips and workshops. Friday, May 10. Owl's Moving Castle.

Growing Up UEC | Urban Ecology Center

“We don’t have to go really far for it,” Brooke explains, loving the convenience of being able to bike to each of the UEC’s three locations. “We biked here every day this week.”

"I can't imagine raising my children without the UEC" - The Madson Family | Urban Ecology Center

When I insisted that everyone learn mass transit and cycling in the city before becoming fossil fuel dependent I realized that I talked big but had never ridden the city bus and had no idea of how to safely ride a bike in the city.

Mental Health and Nature | Urban Ecology Center

Bike commuting has its own mental benefits, but coupled with a commute through natural spaces is a mental health 2-for-1. But if Google Maps has you cycling to work on i-94, no need to worry.

Book a Program

Bike the Hank Aaron State Trail. Learn new skills. Explore nature in your neighborhood! Please note: Requests made 6 weeks in advance allow for best chances of booking. Here’s what makes them stand out: Customizable and Nature-Focused Experiences.

25 years of reflection, looking ahead to future UEC leadership | Urban Ecology Center

Striving to live with as little environmental impact as possible, Ken lives in the community in which he works and, not owning a car, commutes by bike, unicycle, roller blades, and occasionally even by kayak on the Milwaukee River. More from our Blog

UEC Summer Intern Experience | Urban Ecology Center

From opportunities like the Brewers Bike build or just being able to work outside in nature there is so much to love within this organization. I encourage everyone to visit the beauty that surrounds the three-branches.

Milkweed and Hula Hoops with the UEC’s Summer 2023 Research Intern | Urban Ecology Center

Per the MLMP protocol, we use what’s known as a transect method: we count the number of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) plants within a square meter every five paces along our trails and bike paths.

Introducing a Walk of 3 Billion Years | Urban Ecology Center

Striving to live with as little environmental impact as possible, Ken lives in the community in which he works and, not owning a car, commutes by bike, unicycle, roller blades, and occasionally even by kayak on the Milwaukee River. More from our Blog

Outdoor Leaders on the Green Career Path | Urban Ecology Center

As an OL I have learned so many things like teamwork, commutation, time management, and even how to pump up a bike wheel. Miranda, Riverside Park Outdoor Leader.