UEC Summer Intern Experience

August 28, 2024


Interning at the Urban Ecology Center has been nothing short of amazing. Working with other team members who have the same goal has been a refreshing breath of fresh air. Not to mention all the actual fresh air I enjoyed as I worked outside  all summer!

When I first started the internship I was extremely nervous. However, I started to relax when I was greeted by Olivia Raasch and Amanda Panciera’s welcoming smiles. The hospitality from all staff at the UEC was exceptionally positive. Since I was the Marketing Intern for the summer of 2024 I had the opportunity to sit back and capture the memories, a special piece of being a photographer.

My favorite day during intern training was the three-branch tour that Matt Flower guided us through. We hiked through all three parks and learned about how diverse they are from each other. Each location has something distinctively special about them. While visiting Menomonee Valley we went to Pebble Beach. I discovered it was my favorite place in the Valley. We skipped rocks while walking along the shoreline. I fell in love with how pretty the scene was. 

The most memorable moment from the tour was when we picked a rock and made a wish. We threw the rock off the bridge and shared our wish with another person. My wish was to be at peace for the summer. My biggest hope was to allow myself to sit back and enjoy my time at the UEC. Matt’s message at the end of our tour was “While walking through the parks instead of moving quickly we should take our time and stop for a moment because we might miss something.” Stopping for a moment to enjoy life itself can fit any era of life I am in. In this case, it was interning at the UEC. I found that before my internship I was moving so quickly and the UEC has taught me there is so much more to do than work and school.

This summer I worked alongside Katie Wilmering the Graphic Design and Marketing Manager and Gaby Zabala the Marketing Specialist. They both had such a positive impact during my time here at the UEC. 

Marketing is a special job because we have the opportunity to work with all of the departments. Katie and Gaby gave me the confidence boost I needed when I couldn't find it in myself. They were amazing team members and taught me it is ok to make mistakes. Katie taught me graphic design in Canva. Each time I made a new design I felt more proud of my work as I was able to apply the feedback that was given to me. Gaby taught me how to organize and produce a video and bonded over photography. The leadership within the marketing was nothing short of amazing and there was never a day I did not want to get up and join my team members at the UEC.

Interning at the Urban Ecology Center has truly been a life changing experience. From opportunities like the Brewers Bike build or just being able to work outside in nature there is so much to love within this organization. I encourage everyone to visit the beauty that surrounds the three-branches.

Bri Williams is an undergraduate student majoring in Communications and minoring in the Journalism, advertising and media studies program at UW-Milwaukee. She was our 2024 Marketing Communications Summer Intern. Her favorite pastimes include rock climbing, spending time with her kitten bean, hanging with friends, and slaying the day away.

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